All the Fruit Overnight Oats
Oatmeal has been a health food since our grandparents were kids. But did you know that overnight oats may be even healthier than the cooked version? Both types of oats contain resistant starch, which increase good bacteria in the gut and can protect against a host of diseases like diabetes and colon cancer. Resistant starch is also a great source of short-chain fatty acids, helping to control hunger and naturally manage weight. When oats are cooked, some of the resistant starch is lost. Why not save yourself the cooking time and give these a try instead!
Depending on how fresh your fruit is, these generally last a few days in the fridge. If you’d like these to last longer, mix just the oats, chia seeds, vanilla, and nuts and let them sit overnight. Then add fresh fruit in the morning. You can customize the ingredients to suit your personal preference; the recipe below is an all-time favorite.
An all-time favorite recipe for overnight oatmeal. Feel free to customize with the fruit you have on hand! Sure to please.