Cauliflower Mexican Pizza

Cauliflower Mexican Pizza

cauliflower mexican pizza Recipes used above:

Pizza and Mexican food and the Mediterranean Diet

Are foods like pizza and Mexican food traditional Mediterranean region food? Well, no, they are not traditionally from that region. A cauliflower crust pizza isn’t native to the Mediterranean Sea either! But, this Cauliflower Mexican pizza follows all the Mediterranean Diet principles—including being plant-based and full of nutrients. It also encourages us to relax and enjoy time together around the table, which is another important Mediterranean Diet principle. (For more on Mediterranean Diet principles, check out this page.) We love to try cuisines from all over the world, provided that we can do so in a health-optimizing way. This recipe is just that! An interesting spin on Mexican and Italian cuisine, made in a heart-healthy Mediterranean Diet way.

Are Mexican pizzas gluten free?

All the toppings that go on a Mexican pizza (and most Italian pizzas) are gluten free. Things like tomatoes, cheese, and sauce generally do not contain gluten. As long as you choose a cauliflower crust that does not contain gluten, you are good for an awesome meal. Luckily, most cauliflower crusts do not contain gluten—providing gluten-free diners with a pizza crust option that tasted great was the origin of the cauliflower crust. Just make sure to read your labels.

But really, cauliflower crust?

So listen, you could make this pizza with a whole wheat pizza crust. The Mediterranean Diet has shown that whole grains are great for you! You should not be afraid of them. We often have whole wheat crust pizzas in my house, and we all love them. But. Cauliflower crust is perfect for adding vegetables into your diet, in a way that still lets you eat what you want to eat (in this case, pizza). It’s also great for people who like to eat a lower carb dinner or who need to eat a gluten-free diet. Or if you simply want to mix things up! There are tons of great cauliflower crust pizzas on the market. Our favorite homemade cauliflower pizza crust can be found here at Foodal.  You can also check out this website or tips for making a cauliflower crust. There is a bit of an art to it! mexican pizza
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